6.5 oz

Available In One Configuration

15" Tube Alone

10 oz

                                     Would you like to be more patient on the line but pain in the sling hand forces you to shoot                                           quickly?  Maybe you think your rifle can perform better and you want to shoot smaller groups? What if you simply want to give your rifle a sharp, space-age look? The BeeSting bloop tube is just what you’re looking for! See the excellent features of the BeeSting below:

Compare The BeeSting

  • Custom made to your desired length and rifle's barrel diameter (requires 1.5" of straight barrel at the muzzle between 0.775" and 1.050" in diameter)
  • Lightweight carbon fiber tube construction enhances rifle balance and takes pressure off the sling hand in the prone and kneeling positions
  • Significantly enhanced vibration dampening with carbon fiber when compared to aluminum
  • Indexing ring system allows tube to be accurately replaced with no modification to the barrel. The tube can also be inverted when shooting with a scope while maintaining the tuner setting
  • Extra 2 ounce tuner weights available that won’t shoot loose
  • Anschutz-size sight rail
  • Included booklet contains setup and care instructions as well as tips for using a tuner
  • All-anodized finish for greater durability
  • Lifetime warranty against manufacturing defects

16.5 oz

Weight Savings

Popular All-Aluminum


No Tuner